Shareware Grab Bag
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Version 3.0 written for RBBS-PC CPC12.3B or later
by Lee Nelson and Jerry Sanders
February 17, 1985
The CALL ANALYZER is copyright 1984, 1985 by AlphaSoft System,
2508 Constance St., Atlanta, GA 30344, phone (404) 761-8137. A
limited license is granted to distribute this software with the
following conditions:
(1) No profit is charged for distribution.
(2) This program is not distributed in altered form.
(3) This statement is not removed.
(4) These files will only be distributed under the names
of CALLA30x.LBR (where x is the current release level
indicator) and not separated from documentation.
(1) Support for RBBS-PC CPC12.3B thru CPC12.3C has been added
(2) Support for RBBS-PC X3D has been added
(3) 2400 baud callers are now supported
(4) Up to 1,000 differently named download files can now be
(5) Once more than 1,000 files have been analyzed the Call
Analyzer will no longer terminate, but instead will report on
the summary statistics for that portion of the CALLERS file which
was read to that point
(6) A new graphing system has been added. System utilization
distribution is now averaged and summarized in a multi-color bar
graph to illustrate periods of highest and lowest utilization by
(8) Certain routines have been optimized to improve performance
(9) Various reported errors have been fixed
(10) Registration price has been lower from $25 to $15
If you find this program to be of use, please send $15 along
with the registration form to AlphaSoft Systems at the above
address. A registration form has been provided at the end of this
documentation for the purpose of registering your copy of the
CALL ANALYZER. Users who pay this fee will receive a registered
copy of the latest version of the CALL ANALYZER at the time of
registration. They are also eligible for telephone support for
problems and questions about this software. In addition, they
will receive mail notification of the availability of the next
new release of this software. Our technical support line is (404)
761-8137 after 7 PM. We will need to know the name in which the
software was registered and the program serial number before we
can provide technical support.
The CALL ANALYZER program is a self contained statistical
analysis program for use in summarizing and categorizing the user
activity on an RBBS-PC system. It is designed to work with the
caller file of any version of RBBS-PC from CPC12.3B or later. It
has been thoroughly tested with CPC12.3B. Certain version of
RBBS-PC prior to CPC12.3B do not log all of the caller activity
that CALL ANALYZER looks for. Garbage records in the caller files
of some earlier versions of RBBS can also cause problems in the
CALL ANALYZER. The only solution to this problem is to upgrade
your RBBS-PC system to CPC12.3B or later.
The CALL ANALYZER should run on earlier version of RBBS
prior to CPC12.3B. However, you will not get the full features of
the system and Alphasoft Systems will be under no obligation to
support paid users with problems caused by files from version
earlier than CPC12.3B.
You must have a CALLERS file that spans a mimimum of 24
hours in order to run the ANALYZER. A CALLERS file of smaller
size may produce errors or distorted statistics. At any rate
such information even if accurate would me meaningless.
Therefore problems that might arise from using such a file will
not be supported by AlphaSoft Systems.
The CALL ANALYZER is designed to run on an IBM-PC or
compatible with a minimum of 256K and at least 1 diskette drive.
It can be used with either the IBM Monochrome monitor or any
compatible color monitor. In addition a printer is recommended to
produce hardcopy reports. The printer however is optional. The
only other requirement is a caller file from RBBS-PC CPC12.3B or
The CALL ANALYZER will self install each time it is brought
up unless it is able to find a valid configuration file in the
current sub-directory of the default disk drive. The file, named
CALLA30C.CNF will be produced the 1st time the system is brought
up. It will prompt the user for certain system specific
information. You will be asked whether you wish to use a
monochrome or color monitor and for the full name of your RBBS-PC
caller file. The standard name for this file is CALLERS. However
some users have renamed this file in the RBBS-PC configuration
In either case you must reply with the complete name of your
caller file. In addition you will be prompted for a file spec for
permanent storage of the callers statistics. This message can be
replied to with either a standard DOS file name or a DOS device
specification such as a printer, e.g, LPT1:, LPT2:, CALLDATA.STA.
Any valid DOS file specification is acceptable. However, a
filename of TRACE will cause the CALL ANALYZER to prompt for
trace options. The trace facility will substantially degrade
program performance and therefore will normally be used only for
debuging purpose as require for support from AlphaSoft.
Upon exiting the CALL ANALYZER, you will be asked if you
wish to make a permanent copy of the statistics. This DOS file or
device specification will dictate the destination of the
permanent copy if you should reply yes to this prompt. This data
can be sent to a printer or to a file for eventual input to
another program such as LOTUS 1-2-3.
If the need arises to alter any of the initial configuration
options, i.e. CALLERS file name or TRACE options, etc., you
should simply delete the CALLA30C.CNF file and rerun the CALL
ANALYZER. This will causes the system to prompt for a new set of
configuration parameters.
With the caller file in the default drive and sub-directory,
issue the command CALLANA at the DOS prompt. The startup panel
will appear. The display at the bottom will indicate which caller
record is currently being read. The CALL ANALYZER reads the
CALLERS file backwards, beginning with the largest record number
and decerments towards one. When this number reaches one or the
unique file name count reaches the 1,000 limit, the system
statistics main screen will be displayed. The first screen is
made up of 3 sections. The 2 on the left display statistics
relating to caller information such as baud rate, parity settings
and total callers. The other section on the left contains
statistics relating to the the RBBS file section. The right
section contains an alphabetically sorted list of all files that
have been downloaded from the system, with a total download
count. This section can be paged forward or backwards using the
PgUP and PgDn keys.
The Home and End keys position the files section to the
bottom or top of the download list. At this point the F1 key can
be pressed to update the left side of the screen with additional
statistics about the overall utilization of the RBBS system.
Pressing the F1 key a third time will produce a system
utilization bar graph. Further pressing of the F1 key cycles you
back to the first display screen.
You may exit the CALL ANALYZER at any point by pressing
the Esc key. At this point the system will ask if you wish to
direct the report to the output device/filespec. If you so
desire, simply reply with a Y. If no report is desired a reply of
N will terminate the program. A menu of all CALL ANALYZER
keyboard functions is displayed at the bottom of the screen at
all times except during bar graph display. However all function
key always operational.
During the beta test phase for release 3.0, several testers
commented that they really didn't understand what the "Average
Percentage of Hourly Usage" really was. Therefore we have
decided to include an explanation for the chart and the data
which it represents. The horizontal axis of the graph represents
the 24 hours of each day. The vertical axis represents the
percentage of utilization of each hour of the day averaged
together over the period of the callers file. The total
percentage is calculated by adding up the total number of minutes
the RBBS system was in use each day, during each hour of the day.
This total is divided by the total number of days for which each
separate hour was logged into the callers file. Callers files
which begin and end at times other than midnight will have more
days activity for certain hours (on the first and/or last day of
the callers file) than for others. This has been taken into
account when gathering and graphing these statistics.
The bar chart itself, taken as a whole, should provide the
RBBS SYSOP with a visual picture of the peaks and valleys of his
systems' utilization. This information might be used for many
purposes such as deciding when the least impact will be felt by
users when bringing the system down for maintenance. It also
shows the SYSOP how much room his system has left for additional
growth and where that growth can best be funneled in terms of
times of the day when access and utilization are lowest.
We have found that by identifying slack periods of an RBBS's
utilization to its users, they will change their calling habits
to fill in those slack periods.
Due to the nature of the internal sort, the CALL ANALYZER
can only handle caller files with no more than 1,000 different
named download files or 32,676 caller file records. As a
benchmark I have run CALL ANALYZER against a caller file which
contained 5,646 records. This represented 611 different named
download files for a total of 3,331 total downloads. This
particular caller file spanned a period of 30 days of 24 hour
operation. System utilization ran at 50%. The system contained
approximately 1600 download files. Under standard DOS 3.0, the
CALL ANALYZER took 4 mins and 15 seconds to run.
Under Multi-Job, with 2 partitions and RBBS-PC CPC12.3B
running in the background, using the same caller file, the system
took 9 mins and 55 seconds to run. Experience with MultiLink
Advanced 3.0 indicates that CALL ANALYZER will probably run
approximately the same as under Multi-Job. Based on these run
times, we recommend that a caller file that is one month (31
days) in length is probably ideal. Such a file should be
processed in a reasonable time (less than 10 minutes) and in most
cases should not be capable of taxing the limitations of the CALL
ANALYZER. In addition, if the user establishes a specific time
each month (say the last day of the month) to run this program
and then deletes or archives the caller file and starts a new
one, he will be able to compare statistics from month to month.
The printed report is ideal for month to month comparisons.
In a future release we will be converting some of the longer
running routines to assembler to improve run time. Also the
graphics display system will be moved to another module to allow
additional graphic displays.
One of the current problems in producing utilization
statistics from RBBS is that you must assume that the system was
available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. All SYSOP's know that
from time to time this just isn't the case. We have proposed to
Tom Mack that an RBBS system start up record and possibly a
system shutdown record be added to the callers file. Tom said he
would consider this, and hopefully it will be in the CPC12.3C
version currently scheduled for release on Feb 17, 1985. If
these records are provided many more statistical analyses are
Also we would like to eventually add a master file into
which all of these statistics are permanently stored and with
each run of the ANALYZER, these files would be updated. This
would give SYSOP's a much better history of download files and
long term utilization.
Currently the permanent output file from CALL ANALYZER is
designed primarily for output to a hardcopy printer. One beta
tester has shown interest in trying to develop a LOTUS 1-2-3
worksheet for graphing and comparing RBBS-PC statistics. This
permanent output data set can serve as the source of data into
the LOTUS system. If we find that there is a general interest in
this, we will develop a new output section to the program. Let
us know if you would be interested in seeing this.
We will continue to add additional features to the system
from time to time, as well as keep it up to date with the most
current release of RBBS-PC. In the future we plan to add
additional statistics from the caller file and provide some
statistical peeks at the RBBS message and user files.
If you have any ideas or suggestions that you think might
improve the CALL ANALYZER, please call us voice at (404) 761-8137
after 7:00 PM EST, call my BBS at (404) 761-3635 or write us and
tell us about it. We anticipate a new release of this software
about every 2 or 3 months.
RBBS-PC is copyrighted by Tom Mack and Jon Martin, of the Capitol
City PC Users Group. Washington, D.C.
Multi-Job is a registered trademark of B & L Computer Software,
Boise, Idaho
MultiLink is a registered trademark of The Software Link,
Atlanta, Georgia
LOTUS and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development
To register your copy of this software please complete the form
below and return along with $10 to Alphasoft Systems, 2508
Constance St., Atlanta, Georgia 30344. You will receive the
latest version of CALL ANALYZER by mail within 4 weeks. You may
call our technical support line as soon as we receive your
registration form.
CITY:_______________________________ STATE:_________________
Where did you acquire this copy of the CALL ANALYZER ?
What is the serial number under the logo of the version you now
have? __________________________
Specify disk format you require for the new release:
_____SS/SD _____DS/DD 8 sector _____DS/DD 9 sector
Suggestions or Comments: